Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Brainstorming for Project I

Getting down the right story idea for this project has been challenging.  I want to be original but the electronic aspect to this assignment is what hinders my creative flow.  I'm sure that shouldn't be the case but as we have already learned in class, reading electronic literature is like learning to read all over again.  So, it stands to reason, writing electronic literature is like learning to write for the first time. 

As suggested in class, I have been focusing on the writing aspect of my project.  I have set up different word documents with pieces of my story hoping to later bring it all together on Google Sites.  My intention is to give my reader a sense of boundless possibilities within the text.  Perhaps I'm setting my sights too high because I am still attempting to figure out this form of literature.  Something I should keep in mind is that the purpose of electronic literature is far different from that of the standard form of literature most of us are used to.  At this point it's really about coming out of your comfort zone and immersing yourself into this unfamiliar language of electronic lit. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Image and Experience

Normally, I would enjoy the chance to write a story of my very own but knowing that I am expected to create an interactive story, to not only capture my audience with my words but also entertain them with the technological settings to accompany my story is tough.  With the different pieces of electronic literature I have read to date I have noticed that the authors, in most cases, do not reach a "happily ever after" in their story.  By this I mean a conclusion to these stories is hard to find.  So, in keeping up with this theme I have thought of a never-ending  story of my own.  My story will contain. . .
an endless ocean...

infinite stars. .  . 

the numerously unknown of space. . .

endless grains of sand in the desert. . .      

I attempted to learn about Google Sites for the first time ever and while the idea behind it is great it will take some more practice to get the hang of it.  The tutorial I went through only gave basic information and was not much help.  I guess it's just trial and error from here.